Wednesday, February 13, 2008

If Found, Please Call...

We all know about Recon.  Well, Bungie has been giving it out.  So, there are two types of people now; those who don't have Recon and those who stole Recon.

What's up with that!? 

I obviously can see why someone would steal someones Recon but that doesn't make it right!  You have to earn that!

So who is the victim?  Lintendo64.  

Whoever hacked his account also tried to use his credit card! 

All of us here at Working Class Halo are behind Lintendo and if you see anyone with Recon, be sure to catch their Gamertag and give Bungie an email or post it in the forums. 

So keep an eye out and play fair!

Link to Forge Hub story.
Link to Forum.

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